lvmedical Logo

Infectious disease clinic

Center of travel medicine

Our Travel Medicine Centre strives to do everything possible to make your holiday safe. This includes minimising the risk for business and business travel to different areas of the world.

Examinations before traveling abroad

Examinations before traveling abroad and after returning with counseling and individualized recommendations.

Vaccination and antimalarial prophylaxis

Vaccination and antimalarial prophylaxis according to the travel plan and destination (including the issue of an international vaccination card).

Medical examinations of third-country nationals

Certificates for the Foreign Police prior to stay in the Slovak Republic.

Expert guarantor:

Doctor Ladislav Virág, M.D.

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in 1990 with the Red Diploma of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Applied Sciences Košice. He graduated in Internal Medicine 1st degree in 1993, in 2000 he obtained a specialization in Communicable Diseases (Infectology), in 2006 he obtained a specialization in Management and Financing in Healthcare. For 10 years he worked as the primary of the Clinic of Infectology and Travel Medicine of the University Hospital L. Pasteur Košice. For 8 years he was a regional expert of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic for Infectology and Tropical Medicine for the Košice Regional Municipality.

Years of experience
0 +
Additional services

In addition to our core services, we provide

Individualized medical services

Individualized medical services by appointment.

Examination appointment

Appointments can also be arranged at a non-standard time (on a working day after 4 p.m.).

Health care

We are a direct pay healthcare provider.


They said about us

B. S. Patient

I would like to thank MUDr.Virág for his professional examinations during my hospitalization at the infectious disease ward in KE and to thank him for saving my life with his work and dedication to his work. I would not have been here for a long time even though I have other health problems. Many thanks to the doctor.

Olha K. Patient

Thank you! I was satisfied. I received the confirmation very quickly. But when you want to go in a large group so thinner to split into smaller groups (about 3-4) don't have much room in the waiting room.

Peter Z. Patient

I recommend LV Medical especially for foreigners from 3rd countries who need confirmation for the foreign police. The process is very smooth, both nurse and doctor are very emphatic and doing their best to help patients.

Vážení klienti,

radi by sme Vás informovali o našej plánovanej dovolenke od  20. decembra 2024 do 3. januára 2025. Po dovolenke budeme v práci 7. januára 2025.

Ďakujeme za pochopenie a tešíme sa na naše budúce stretnutie.

S úctou, tím LV-Medical, s.r.o.

Dear clients,

we would like to inform you about our planned vacation from December 20, 2024 to Januray 3, 2025. After the vacation, we will be at work on Januray 7, 2025.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to our next meeting.

Sincerely, the team of LV-Medical, s.r.o.